

Thoughts on rewards of risk ...

I jotted this down in my ideas journal the other day ...

A risk management philosophy rewards planning
A risk taking philosophy rewards ACTION

What do you think?

2/25 addendum: ... and a risk aversion philosophy rewards avoidance.


N James said...

A risk management philosophy rewards planning
A risk taking philosophy rewards, or punishes, ACTION

HeleneB said...


I'm not sure I would agree with you. I think if you have an philosophy that promotes risk taking than you value action and results. A risk aversion philosophy, however, values and rewards inaction.

jdscott50 said...

A Risk taking philosophy basically says I will cya if things go wrong. I tell that to all my librarians.

Scot Colford said...

IMHO, a risk management philosophy isn't management. It is an excuse.

Susan L. Hauer said...

Commitment and determination fuel Hauer’s service to libraries. She maintains, “All things are possible---you just have to figure out a way to get there and that may take flexibility and creativity.” She also knows the importance of taking certain risks in meeting goals when she states, “Being creative in implementing a vision for the future means taking certain risks. Taking risks means one may fail. Having the courage to risk failure is what effects change.”

Tony Tallent said...

Yes, yes! I see this (I think we all do, way too much) when it comes to the risk mgt part...the risk taking part...that's what I want to see more of! Daring...dreaming...doing...

Batarang said...


True risk-taking should involve little, if any, CYA.