

On swarms and social networking ...

There’s an interesting read in June issue of Fast Company , The Network Unbound: How TagWorld and other next-generation social networks could feed your business--and maybe even change the world.
“Personal connections--forged through words, pictures, video, and audio posted just for the hell of it--are the life of the new Web, bringing together the estimated 60 million bloggers, those 72 million MySpace users, and millions more on single-use social networks where people share one category of stuff, like Flickr (photos), (links), Digg (news stories), Wikipedia (encyclopedia articles), and YouTube (video).

This hive of activity has already generated a lot of noise, but what most observers have yet to realize is just how productive the hive really is and how powerful it can be when it swarms in a particular direction

Swarms -- yes, we need these in libraries! But how do we get the majority of our staff who still heavily populate that “most observers” category to acknowledge the swarm before we are severely stung- or worse yet, they abandon our hive?

Read the full article [an interesting read] and then go check out TagWorld, aka the “myspace killer.”

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What does Librarian mean?

There's an interesting discussion going on over at LiveJournal about what the title "Librarian" means. Is it different to those of us that work in libraries than to our users? Or the same?


All you can upload

Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.comTechCrunch offers a review of CNET’s new image hosting site, AllYouCanUpLoad. What seems to set this site apart from other image hosting sites is:
  1. No need to create a user account to upload images
  2. No restricitons on image size (which means you can upload an image of any size - they also offer lots of resizing options)
  3. No limit on total images uploaded and no storage limitations
    and ...
  4. No cap on bandwidth access.

While the service definitely doesn’t offer the social networking features of Flickr and CNET’s own Webshots, its simplicity and lack of restrictions should make it a big hit with users (especially ebay) Hmm... so with all this free, I'm still trying to figure out what's the catch?

BTW: I used an image of ImaginOn’s storyjar to test it with. It is indeed extremely easy!! :)

My out-of-the-box idea for this week

Stephen Abram offers an interesting post today about the Search Engine Market Shares.

Here's an interesting Press Release from comScore this month. It's just about search and not about the overall popularity of a web property. For instance, I am told that Yahoo! gets 2.5 times the traffic of Google overall, for instance. It does show the power of brand to drive traffic. Is the library brand strong enough and in the right head space? The OCLC Perceptions report would seem to say no. I also wonder whether libraries should be building toolbar searches for our sites. They are an important battleground for searching market share. The emergence of MySpace as a search portal is interesting too...

All I can say is that I don't believe the search landscape is stable or static for the next 5 years. This is an opportunity for libraries to shine.

I completely agree with Stephen on this front, especially the last sentence -- the landscape is changing rapidly and there are opportunities here!!! And with recent announcements by all three industry leaders ( see announcements -- Yahoo, Google & Microsoft) on the development of social searching tools, libraries may have even more ...

So here's my out-of-the box idea for the week (and what radical idea I might be pondering if I were Leslie Burger ready to assume the president's roll - although I'm sure she has plenty of her own) ... Why doesn't ALA back an initiative to partner with Google on their new Co-Op search tool? Instead of trying to fight the giant, why don't we ally with it to make its product more useful to both us and our users?

Personally, I'm pleased to see the National Library of Medicine on board as a partner with the health stuff already, but I have to be honest... the listing of current information partners has me a bit worried. So how about it ALA -- is partnering with Google (or any other of the internet search leaders) out of the question?

Collectively I think libraries could not only shine through this type of partnership, but it would surly help to create a new and difference type of library market brand. Just think about it ...

What are your thoughts? Am I crazy for suggesting such?

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An interesting read ...

Buzz Machine - Everybody’s a Network

“What is a network now? Your friend pointing you to something to read or watch is a network. The collection of people putting a YouTube video on their blogs makes a network. BlogAds bringing together 800 blogs for an ad buy is a network. When you subscribe to a collection of feeds, or when you publish up a blogroll, or when you put a tag on your blog post, or when you use a Flickr tag that others use, you are a network.

Networks are about sharing now; they used to be about control. Networks are two-way; they used to be one-way. Networks are about aggregation more than distribution; they are about finding and being found. Networks are now open while, by their very definition, they used to be closed. You join networks and leave them them at will; you can join any number of networks at once and content can be found via any number of networks, there is no practical limit. Networks used to be static. Now networks are fluid.”

Discovered via the Business 2.0 Blog


More news on the changing face of information ...

The Reflective Librarian makes a good point about yesterday's Associated Press & Technorti announcement.

"The news that the Associated Press has entered into an alliance with bloggers seemed unimaginable just a couple years ago. This is a recognition by the mainstream media of 2 things: 1. They're in trouble 2. Bloggers possess value."

Seems to me the wake-up call is growing louder.

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Conversation … Discussion … Dialogue … and reality

Among the few comments posted in the last few days were these two insightful entries related to my post on the socialization of information

"The problem that electronic media always face in terms of giving people access to information is that of vetting and quality control.

For an article to be accessible through a resource like EBSCO, it has to be vetted by an editor, and published in a journal or periodical of sufficient stature and track record that it is subscribed to by a large journal archive. This means that it takes quite a long time for these resources to become available, and thus the first articles on a new trend may not appear for quite some time after those in the know about the trend have begun to find out about it. However, it also means that for an article to appear it will have to pass muster with a professional editor, which acts as something of a quality control. …

For an article to be accessible through Technorati, it has to be written and published in a blog. The more popular the blog, the higher the chance of Technorati bringing the article up, but nonetheless it can be a cery short period of time between someone wanting to write an article and a search of technorati pulling that article up. This has the positive effect of meaning that the latest communication and commentary on different issues are instantly available, but has the disadvantage that this information does not have to be reviewed, edited or otherwise checked. This can lead to inaccuracy…

Certainly, we should embrace the speed with which communication and discussion can now proceed, but at the same time we should recognize that accuracy takes time. In a medium as crowded with information as the Internet, authority becomes even more important."

While I completely agree that authority and accuracy are extremely important -- This is certainly an opportunity for Libraries to help fill an education roll within the community -- I’m also consonant of the fact that studies show that with the advent of the Internet (& searching skills) users feel empowered and knowledgeable to make their own conclusions. Granted, whether or not they actually can distinguish authority sources from non-authority sources may be debatable. But this point is mute. For if users already have the perception that they have the skills they need to evaluate information and make an informed decision on their own, then like it or not I have to agree in many ways with this other comment…

"While there may be a negative correlation between speed and accuracy, we need to recognize that accuracy is as much defined by the user of the source as the source itself. We also need to accept that technology has enabled the user to be authority, rather than the content provider. Accuracy and authority is a mirage in libraries today."

Although some may think this statement seems harsh, from a public perception viewpoint I think the observation is spot on! Accuracy and authority are perceptions defined as much by the consumers of information as the provider. And if history has taught us anything, it’s that even when information is blessed and backed by authority, it isn’t always accurate.

Regardless of which side of the fence you lean towards on this issue, the underlying reality of it all is this …

Information. Is. Time. Sensitive.

PS: Thanks Ian & Susan for excellently sharing both sides to the perspective. I think we need more critical thinkers like you to way-in and challenge/support ideals -- especially as technology continues to propell libraries to move forward.


Got Blurb? Get Published

I signed up with Blurb back in January and received an email announcing its availability a few weeks ago. After downloading the free software (Guess that's makes me a "Blurbarian") and playing with the all the templates (this is so easy to use, my six-year-old can make a book) I think there’s definitely a family favorite recipes and/or coffee table photo book in my future.

Anyway, Fast Company has an article about this fast growing and popular service this month. For $30 a title (hard cover too!) you can’t beat the value or the price!

PPS: Get idea for a library program -- tools that help you self-publish!!

Library 2.0 & Commenting

NOTE: This is duplicate post from ALAL2 because I can't seem to get around the security settings. Please leave your comments here - thanks

Both Rory Litwin's and Paul Miller's posts yesterday on Privacy & Library 2.0 bring up some good issues and arguments around Library 2.0 and Privacy.

Although I have my own personal thoughts on this issue (I won't cloud this post with these) the thought did occur to me while reading these two posts that the privacy "core value" could also be extended to Team 1's project on Best Practices for Public Comment.

So here's my question -- If protecting user's privacy is indeed a "core value" of libraries, does this also create a strong argument for allowing users the ability to provide feedback and suggestions via anonymous comments?

I got some thoughts of my own, but as a team member of the ALAL2 project for this issue I'd love some input.

PS: Feel free to leave them anonymously :)


Cell Phone Use

Today's Fast Company poll asked users how they’d prefer to watch sports? Would you believe a whopping 51% ( at the time of this entry) answered by watching “highlights on a cell phone”!

If this is how users prefer to enjoy leisure activities, I wonder what would be the response if a Fast Company poll asked users how they’d prefer to view their library account or get reference assistance?

Fast Company poll.

The Socialization of Information - a few thoughts

There's a post that's been rumbling around in my head for some time -- it's about the socialization of information. Let me give you an example to help set the stage on where these thoughts are coming from ...

Back in January when I first started giving workshops to staff about blogs, wikis and RSS I used a search example to demonstrate how information channels were changing. The term I used? Yup, "Library 2.0"

In that very first workshop, we explored traditional news sources first and here's what we found:

Search of the Library's 50 + electronic database = 0 results from all resources
Search of Google News & Yahoo News = 1 relevant hit.
The Online Catalog --- forget it!!

Then we searched non-traditional resources ...

Search of Technorati = 286 posts mention "Library 2.0"
Wikipedia = 3 pages of principles, thoughts and definitions (see archived Jan 3rd page)

This morning, I duplicated this effort once again to see how things might have changed four months later:
Traditional Research sources:

Search of the Library's 50 + electronic database = 3 relevant news items from Ebsco Masterfile premiere
Search of Google News & Yahoo News = 1 item in Google News, 2 items in Yahoo News

-- Yup a total of only 6 -- I was disappointed here too!!

Non-traditional resource tools:

Search of Technorati for "Library 2.0" = 3,350 posts (for a narrower search, see also tags)
Wikipedia = Still 3 pages, but has been updated considerably with lots more added references
Yahoo Podcast Search = 21 entries!!!

Can you see a trend here? While traditional information channels are still struggling to catch-up, social information channels are exploding and exceeding with speed.

Now while I know that my observation here is not unique -- we all know that information travels faster via the local grapevine than anywhere else -- but what makes the difference is that the traditional "grapevine" is beginning to be replaced by new social networks that are not only changing the way we receive and share information, they are in some ways legitimizing it!

The advent of Web 2.0 publishing technologies (blogs, wikis, podcasts, etc) propelled by collaborative categorization tools (ie tagging, social bookmarking, etc) have enabled ideas and conversations to finally move from the watercooler into the mainstream mass market. I see this shift as significant not only because it means that information and public conversations are no longer controlled by media/publishing authorities, but it also means future significant changes for libraries - who's wealth and access to resources have been built on traditional information models.

Over the course of the last few weeks, I've made note of a several significant changes I see happening and the one that stands out to me the most is the development of Social Searching. All the major players are working on this one and have made announcements in the last few weeks:

Anyway, what’s the point of this whole post -- it's this! Not only is information control and access rapidly changing, but the search tools that will enable mass markets to benefit from personalized shared knowledge pools are well within sight. I believe libraries are in a good position to benefit from this socialization of information… but I also acknowledge that it's going to take radical change for many of our staff to feel comfortable jumping into the SI (Social Information) Zone. Getting on board with Library 2.0 is big step in this direction!

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Catalog Comments (or another case of OPAC envy)

I just added a post over at the ALA Library 2.0 Bootcamp project that I'm participating in, but also thought I should share it here -- Catalog commenting!!! (How did I miss this the first time around??)

View more screen captures.

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BibPhone Follow-up

Thank goodness for Andreas, one of the creators of the BibPhone that I blogged about, for it seems my lack of Danish language skills has lead me to mislead you...
Hi Helene

I am one of the makers of the bibPhone. Let me correct you a little - we do not use the storage on the RFID Tag - we only use the ID to query the database if any sounds are linked to the specific book. The project could be done just the same using a bar-code scanner. I give you a link for more photos and a little english text - here. I am working on a little video on the two prototypes - hopefully it will be finished tomorrow.

Best regards - andreas

Take a look at the English page of this exciting project. I love the idea of "treasure hunting" and can also relate to the "reluctance towards ... written reviews" Anything that enhances that book finding process or gives me the ability to add my comments to an object sounds likes technology that is not only useful, but is FUN!

PS: I still like the idea of combining this with shotcodes & cellular phones. :)

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Rock Star YA Librarian ? or Not!!

So I scored dead last in the "Rock Star YA Librarian or Wannabee" quiz (Yup! I'm a YA looser - just give me 6 more years when my oldest hits puberty and I'll be in business) and although I didn't know the title of last year's award winning YA title, at least I got three answers right. :)

Take the quiz yourself (it shouldn't be hard to beat my score) and then trek on over to the Library Loft's MySpace site. These rock star librarians at ImaginOn have attracted a social network in a few short weeks that's already 136 "friends" strong!!!

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Thanks to fellow staff member (& new blogger) Chris Bates, I have discovered a new tool to use for integrating images into a blog. Although I've been a fan of Flickr for sometime now (personally love the tagging and share features found on this site) I have found that for isolated album sharing inside a blog I'd like a bit more control in the display beyond just a Flickr badge.*

Enter Bubbleshare - another online photo sharing site that let's you create individual albums that you can display in a variety of ways. (just look at all these options be sure scroll down).

Chris has posted a slide show of his recent visit to a neigboring library/Library system on his blog -- Take a look LOOK and be sure to also check out some of the fun comment bubbles. :)

I need to play around with Bubbleshare a bit more, but as a simple to use tool for imbedding slideshow features into a blog (Note: they also support Myspace) I'm impressed!!!

PS: I agree with Chris, the bugs are cute. :)

BTW: * If you're looking for a way to imbed a Flickr slideshow into a Blogger blog, I've successfully used this code before. My guess is though, that many people may not feel comfortable manually modifying code that's where I think Bubbleshare makes it easy!! Note to Flickr -- watch out!

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Reader's Club has RSS

This enhancement has been in the works for a couple of weeks now ... but I'm pleased to announce that it's done!! :)

Reader's Club, PLCMC's book review site for adults and teens now has RSS feeds (in fact there's 56 of 'em).

If you're not familiar with the RC site, it currently contains over 3300 staff and patron reviews (with new recommendations being added each week) and also hosts a popular Celebrity Reviews feature which are gathered and added to the site each year. (Note: RSS for celebrity reviews to follow soon).

Anyway, I just had to toot our fabulous Web Services department's horn. This site is built upon a homegrown content management system (not a blogging tool - they weren't around in 1999 when this site premiered) so creating and adding the feeds required a bit more skill than merely checking a checkbox. :) And the feeds themselves even have a style sheet so they're not so ugly when a user clicks on them. Great job WS!

Up next ---> individuals feeds for branch programs and more - which will premiere as part of our website redesign later this summer. :)

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Two Cents & Other Thoughts

With 5 items labeled "MustBlogThis" in my account, I'm using today's post to highlight a few good reads and add my two cents' worth of thoughts:

  • Google Moves into Virtual Worlds
    -- My husband downloaded and played around with Google Sketch-up even before this article was published last week. Using Sketch-up he was able to design a 3-D building for our home and plop it onto our property and view it in Google Earth -- pretty cool!!. Imagine doing this with library building renderings or having library resources/collections available in the virtual spaces such as Second Life and Google Earth?

  • Generation C (as in Content)
    -- An interesting look at how web 2.0 tools are changing the way users interact and the shift from media/authoritative/controlled content to a user-generated paradise. With content generation booming out there -- heck you're reading my content/blog aren't you? -- how can libraries take advantage of this? And, how might we be able to capture some of this creative content that users are providing and make it available through our library websites and/or future archives? BTW: If you want inspiration here, just look at ADL's Picture Ann Arbor project.

  • Videogamers Malaise
    -- "Social interaction trumps computer graphics every time." - nuff said. Using Michael Stephen's take ... Social Networks are HOT!

  • What can Social Networking do for your Organization
    -- A good primer by Tech Soup for those in your library whose eyes completely glaze over when they hear the term "social network"

  • Data Mining
    -- A great blog by Matt Whurst that follows blogging trends and developments in data collection in blogosphere.

That's all for my two cents this week -- what's yours?

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Those Danish libraries do some cool things ...

A colleague (who just also happens to be the newly appointed St. Paul Public Library Director - they're soooo lucky!!) just returned from speaking at an exciting conference hosted in Denmark - The Children's Interactive Library - and shared with me some of the ultracool prototypes projects that the library there has developed.

One that drew my attention was a project called the BibPhone which uses unused areas of RFID chips to store short user comments about books. The idea is that a user could browse through a library collection with a BibPhone in hand and scan any book to retrieve short recommendations from other library users/staff. A short video (quicktime) of the project can be seen here. But as soon as I heard of it, it reminded me of the post I did two days ago on Shotcodes. Now imagine users combing your isles and using their cameraphone to grab a shotcode image and download (or upload) user comments about the title. To me that's Library 3.0 !!

I'll can say is that I firmly beleive all libraries need to get on board with L2.0 now. Because when 3G mobile communciation standards finally hit the US, we're going to see a whole new wave of 3.0 technologies.

View the Quicktime movie (sorry, no English subtitles -- but honestly you don't need it cause there's no audio track - At least I haven't been able to hear one)

Also of interest an interactive table called the StoryFinder

PS: This when I wish I knew Danish or at least could find a decent online translator.

Google Coop - Oopportunity or Threat?

"Google Co-op is about sharing expertise. You can contribute your expertise and benefit when others do the same. Help other users find information more easily by creating "subscribed links" for your services and labeling webpages around the topics you know best.

This is a work in progress, but even in its early stages, Google Co-op has the potential to let you contribute your expertise to the overall goal of making information more discoverable for everyone."

Currently there are guides in development for Health, Destinations, Autos etc. And a look at the companies and organizations contributing to the content is substantial. Just take a look at the Health coop section -- National Library of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Center for Disease and Control. I haven't seen ALA of any other major library organizations (exception: the National Library of Medicine) listed here -- but just look at the short list of information partners, it looks ripe for the taking.:)

And also this opportunity ... how about a Google gadget that allows users to search their local library, or access their online account? perhaps there's already a library that's done this (and if so, please email me) but if not, it's just a thought...
"You may also be interested in creating gadgets - useful web applications - that users can add to bring your services to their personalized Google homepage. Learn more about homepage gadgets. "

What are your thoughts? Do you see this type of collaborative information sharing as an opportunity or a threat?

Discovered via LISNews

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The Library Experience (without even one book! )

On Sunday my two daughters and I spent the afternoon at the library – the Children’s Library at ImaginOn. What I love about the Children’s Library at ImaginOn is that the facility is focused on making the visit to the library an experience.

During our nearly four hours there we created imaginary mountains on the computer, played with the puppet stage, imagined riding the Charlotte Trolley, drew on the bookcases with chalk, made popsicle stick puppets, played with doll houses, attended an impromptu storytime, played Jumpstart on the PCs and took lots of pictures of Lucky Rover (the 1st grade mascot who was visiting with us for the weekend) experiencing the place as well. All in all a great afternoon of fun and in the end we left without even checking out one book. :)

As a Library staff member, I was taken back a bit at first when I asked the girls if they wanted to check out books and they both answered “No.” But then as I thought about it, I realized our home (and the bookcase in their bedroom) is filled with books, so why would they want more books? To them the Library is more than books - it's all about having “fun.” (that’s their exact quote, not mine). And as I pondered this more, I was pleased to see their mindset shaping this way -- libraries ARE more then just books (or "Books, books & more books" - which was one of the perceptions I heard from a recent OCLC Perceptions Report presentation). Libraries are about communities, they’re about experiences and they should definitely be about having “fun.”

4 hours of “fun” at the Library and not one book – I’d say that’s one heck of a great compliment!

PS: View the small flickr set of our trip here.

Now here's a question for you ... What can we do with our library spaces to make adults (and teens) say the same??

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Imagine ...

... what libraries will be like when books have these smartcodes shotcodes ...

Watch the 2 minute video clip here.

I envision audiobook clips ... author interviews ... book discussion guides ... background music to read by ... or maybe even Library podcasts. How about you?

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Infolust has a great article this month about a trend they've indentified as Infolust:

"Experienced consumers are lusting after detailed information on where to get the best of the best, the cheapest of the cheapest, the first of the first, the healthiest of the healthiest, the coolest of the coolest, or on how to become the smartest of the smartest. Instant information gratification is upon us.
So forget information overload: this desire for relevant information is insatiable, and will soon move from the online world to the ‘real’ world to achieve true ubiquity. Get ready for a click-and-know, point-and-know, text-and-know, hear-and-know, smell-and-know, touch-and-know and snap-and-know world.

The driving force behind INFOLUST is a basic human need. Which goes for most consumer trends. In this case: the need for power and empowerment, or at least the illusion thereof. Information is power. So is knowledge. And being in the know."

Read the full text here and then ponder how libraries can help individuals fulfill their own personal infolust (keeping mind their desire also to be in control or empowered).

Sounds like Library 2.0 to me :)

What's more, there's a whole new world of technologies and gadgets to support it. Check out what's happening with Advanced barcodes and Customer Made codes -- amazing stuff!!

Tips for Tech-Savvy staff

Meredith Farkus, of Information Just Wants to be Free, offers up a nice short list of tips for being a tech-savvy, user-centered librarian in the 21st century for the L2 Bootcamp podcast...

# 1 Embrace change
# 2 Question everything
# 3 Listen/ get to know your users
# 4 Play with technology
# 5 Don't get suckered into to technolust

And if I were to add just one more to this great list, it would be ...
# 6 Make time in your schedule for play.

Listen to the 11 minute podcast here.

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Dysfunctional behaviors and other finds ...

I've recently added a tag to my called "MustBlogThis" to help me keep tabs on those great finds I come across in my day-to-day travels that strike me as information I'd like to share. This find from How to Save the World is definitely one of them and explores dysfunctional information behaviors (he's identified 25 so far) and the evolving behavioral deferences between how babyboomers and millennials assimilate information. Here's a few thoughts that stick out to me...

Millennials/Gen Y (born between 1980-2000) are more likely too "manage information through 'continuous partial attention' -- not multitasking, but continuously browsing for richer veins of information and switching among them" --- a nice distinction between doing lots of things at one time and using many different channels to mine information from at the same time.

To better reach this group, we should "understand the power of the network and viral communication. Once they come to believe, accept or learn something, they'll spread the word quickly and effectively." --- I haven't seen much chatter in Library circles about viral communication yet (with the exception of MySpace), but I find this adaptation of "word of mouth" facisnating. Viral communication (an extension of Viral Marketing ) involves the use of the internet and social networks to communicate and create a buzz. Have libraries even begun to tap into this yet to begin to market our services better to the younger set? The first big step of course is jump into it and discover what social networks are all about. :)

"Help them filter and mediate information, since most of the crap comes from our generation. As Bill Maher says, "the job of the media is to make what's important interesting". Be their media." --- Nuff said! There's great opportunities here for libraries to help in this area, but we need to meet this generation in their space, not ours.

Anyway, read the whole essay and then ponder how libraries can assist ...

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Information Literacy 2.0

A few weeks ago, while listening to audio conference sponsored by the Urban Library Council on OCLC’s Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources Report, I scratched quite a few scribbles in the margins of my powerpoint printout including this one …

“It’s as much today about the channels as it is about the information.”

Although some people may think that this statement is a bit over the top, what I meant by it is that it seems to me the notion of information literacy has moved beyond merely knowing, accessing and evaluating the usefulness of information. Today's it's also about having a comfort level with the preferred channels (& formats) that our users expect to be able to find and retrieve information in. These channels include among others, RSS feeds, Instant Messenger, SMS/Text Messaging, podcasts, videocasts, wikis, remixes, mashups etc.

From my view the Perceptions report backs this idea in many ways:

... IM is the third most popular electronic information resource used by library customers (yes, all libraries, including ours, needs to be doing IM)

..."friends" were identified as the #1 source users would use to learn about electronic resources (remember that post I did a few weeks ago about Social Searching -- I can see some great opportunities for libraries here that are smart about it. Just think of the library as a "friend")

...cross referencing with other web sites was the top way users validate information for themselves (perhaps we need to look at ways of improving our sites and resources to make them easier to use -- even allowing users to mash it up themselves. What about opening APIs to catalog to our users -- I know, I know for some us where still waiting for this from the vendors ourselves.)

... "Content has left the container" -- information is no longer contained by physical boundaries. As as information professionals we need to be able to access and communciate information in whatever channels it happens to use. ... etc.

All these thoughts pulled together make me think that this notion of Library 2.0 has a practical point to it that includes information study as well. Perhaps it could be called Information Literacy 2.0 (if we haven't beaten this meme already to death).

Anyway, along with this thought process, I'm looking for a few good articles (or blog posts) that speak to this idea of Information Literacy 2.0. Does anyone have some good sources bookmarked or tagged in their account?

BTW: The presentation was titled Fresh Eyes on the Business of Libraries: Customer, Service Models and Brand. Sorry, it looks like there's no archive of the presentation yet.

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I like this thought ...

"Everybody has a librarian inside." (includes a nice correlation to 'folksonomies')

And to some extent that's what I think Web 2.0 technologies and Library 2.0 ideals revolve around... the idea of empowering individuals to discover things (via their inner librarian) themselves.

However after reading Sukhdev's decription for a librarian, I could easily argue that librarians do much, much more. :)

PS: Can you tell I'm working from home today? Three posts in one day--Now that's a personal record. :)

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Got a minute ... ?

The Shifted Librarian (aka Jenny Levine) has put together a whirlwind tour of some Web 2.0 sites titled 60 Sites in 60 Minutes. From my first glance at the list, I see a lot of familiar faces here, but there are also some new ones for me to check out.

If you have a few spare minutes during your day, why not take a look at some of these. Jenny offers some fun thoughts here for some quick fun patron programs … and if you have some success stories or thoughts for expanding this programming idea, you can post it on the 60 sites in 60 seconds section of the Library Success wiki too.

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3 things that make me smile

Some recent discoveries that make me smile...

  • Skypecasts -- Skype announces free online audioconferencing via VoIP for up to 100 people!!! (found via CNET)

  • Sphere - a new blog search tool that looks like it offers some neat features. It definitely has a nice streamline approach to grabbing a subject search RSS feed and seems to take the stripped down Google approach with its interface. First impression -- I like it (via TechCrunch)

  • Napster’s free again -- well sorta... The site has just launched free limited access to its collections – you can play any song for free up to 5 times without buying. Also included in the new site, Narchive – a place where users can share their thoughts on music, and also Napsterlinks. (via MSNBC)

    NOTE: This last find is recommended for home use only. Please don't eat up (or get caught monopolizing) bandwidth at work.

Anyone want to play???

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RSS Feeds - More than just news

Unusual RSS feeds always interest me because I like to use them as examples of where this technology is going in my Newsreader and RSS staff workshop. Among the many that are out there, here are a few that demonstrate the usefullness of this communciation channel beyond and above just news sources and blogs ...

- Quote of the Day and Word of the Day
- All Recipes for Baking
- Garage Sales classifieds (from
- Job listings
- Dilbert daily cartoon
- The ABC television guide
- Library Elf (reserve notices and over due books via RSS feed)
- National Weather Service alerts (Thanks Ed for forwarding me this one)

Just about any source that sends periodic updates or notices can be delivered via RSS feed. Personally, I'm waiting for Harris Teeter (or some other local grocerty store) to finally jump on the feed-bandwagon and begin offering a RSS feed of their weekly specials. And when they do, I'll be one fo the first to sign-up. Anyway, if you do know of a grocery store that is currently publishing their specials via RSS feed, please let me know. I'd love to include it as another example in my workshop.

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