

My 49.5 hr tour of the Netherlands

I just realized this afternoon after telling the umpteenth person about the fabulous libraries that I visited turning my world-wind tour of the Netherlands -- 49.5 hours to be exact -- that I hadn't created a post about what I saw.

The trip was packed - seriously PACKED! In 49.5 hours I managed to visit and tour 3 libraries, deliver the keynote address for the UGame ULearn conference, visit the headquarters of Media Labs (creators of AquaBrowser) and exchange ideas with lots of great folks. It definitely wasn't a relaxing trip and to be honest there wasn't even 15 minutes to spar. I didn't even have time to shop for a few small souvenirs for daugthers. Thank goodness the conference gave us colorful aluminum water bottles and that I was coherent enough to grab two. :)

Anyway, as you might guess it's not the type of trip I would recommend to anyone traveling to Netherlands. But even when my schedule necessitated the trip be a tight turnaround, I'm still so glad I went.

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the three libraries I visited. I've grabbed Roy Tanck's great Flickr widget to display them.

Roy Tanck's Flickr Widget requires Flash Player 9 or better.

Get this widget at

Here's the flickr sets to each library individually:

1 comment:

Vidya Krishnaswamy said...

Thanks for visiting the North Texas 23:A Roundup of Web2.0 Technology things roundup blog and wishing us luck.