Myth: Teens are driving the growth of online video
Reality: Teens watch less online video than most adults, but the ads are highly engaging to them: Teens spend 35% less time watching online video than adults 25–34, but recall ads better when watching TV shows online than they do on television.
Myth: Teens are the most avid users of the Internet
Reality: Teens love the Internet…but spend far less time browsing than adults:Teens spend 11 hours and 32 minutes per month online—far below the average of 29 hours and 15 minutes.
Myth: Teens are the biggest gamers of all
Reality: Teens 12–17 made up just 23% of the U.S. console gaming audience and they accounted for fewer than 10% of all of the PC game minutes played in a typical month.
Read the full 17 page report, How Teens Use Media, June 2009 to learn more.
I wouldn't have thought that teens were online more than adults. I just wish I was on as little as the adult average! I would hate to see what my online time really added up too!
29 hours and 15 minutes?
I take it that is a per day average (well, I do currently have the internet open on two computers, using three networks simultaneously). That's normal behaviour, right?
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