

2007 Review - about a week and half late ... opps

For the 1st time in 20 years I missed my “Best/Jan 1st” ritual and the sad thing is that it's taken me 10 days to just now realize it. I remember that I packed “the book” (the best book that is) to come along with me on this interim move -- Note 1) I’m flying back to CLT on the weekends & Note 2) I've been just THAT Busy! -- but for the life of me I can’t remember where –ughh!

To say that 2007 was good year for me is understatement - it was great year! and one that far exceeded my expectations. One year ago, I would have never imagined that I would spend my summer traveling and speaking all over the globe talking about libraries & learning, let alone have accepted a dynamic new job and would moving to Columbus. But it's funny how just 365 days can bring about such huge changes...

Anyway, in the tradition of last year, I thought I’d highlight a few of the posts from the year that were notable. These among my stats and memory either generated the most buzz, link love or page views. You can make of them what you want. Note: They are in no particular order.

Of, course the post with the most comments was this one, Change, Changes & CML.

OK, That's all. I'm off to go search the boxes for that book.

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