

Filed Under... Truly Amazing!!

What if every single public library in the State of Victoria…
Launched an optional learning program for all library staff all on the same day…
Would it work?
Would staff join it?

The answer is OMG … AMAZING!!

The program was launched today, September 10th
and already over
1000 library personal
have jumped on board!!!!!

Congrats Victoria Public Libraries for successful launch of your L2.0 program.

And hats off to Lynette Lewis and Leslie Sharples of YPRL for spearheading the effort (including the creation of over 45 different library versions). You two have clearly earned the title L2 Divas!

PS: And just think of the amazing results that can happen as result of moving 1000 + library staff through the program all at the same time. Well done SLV & VICLINK for supporting such a massive learning effort... Yes, Well Done!

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Thanks Helene for the great write up. 45 library services, 1000 participants across the state (100 on the waiting list) and an imeasurable amount of enthusiasm from participants.....its all about collaboration!!!!!

Thanks to a wonderful Learning 2.0 program
