

Santa Cruz presentation

By east coast time it’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon, but here in Santa Cruz it’s still morning and I’ve just finished talking to staff members from both the SCPL and UCSC about web stuff, library stuff and 2.0 stuff - yup! "things" :)

Up right now is Dale Poor, a Certified Google Teacher (note: He doesn’t work for Google, but rather is a certified teacher and high school multimedia educator - neat!) who is showing us Picasa, Google Docs, Google Pages, Google Earth, Google Reader and Google Labs. Lots to play with and lots to have fun with here.

Anyway, as promised, here are my slides to my presentation and the links to the two videos:

Presentation: 2.0 isn't a "thing" It's a "shift" & a ..." (pdf)
Videos: Did you know? (aka Shift Happens)
           A Librarians 2.0 Manifesto

Thanks to everyone from SCPL and UCSC for a wonderful reception and best of luck on your Learning 2.0 journeys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to my Second Life newbie shopping blog. Thanks for the great presentation!