

Cluetrain Plus Ten #58

Today officially marks the 10 year anniversary of the Cluetrain Manifesto, a blogger conversation (turned book) that really started a revelation/revolution in thinking long before the term web 2.0 was coined by O'Reilly. In honor of the anniversary, bloggers all over globe are have signed up to write about each of Cluetrain's 95 thesis'.

Over the past few year's I've highlighted this book in many, many, many presentations. In fact, it's among the top four titles that I've often recommended to people who want to use 1.0 tech to understand the culture of 2.0 .

Anyways, since I'm not really up for a long blog post about, I thought I'd put my contribution into image format. Number 58 has an underlying theme that I find myself reiterating over and over again in almost all of my talks. The secret to operating in this new knowledge economy is ...

Find out the other contributions here. Happy 10 year anniversary Cluetrain!

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