

An online celebration of Thanks!

Over the past three years I've had the pleasure to participate in the steering committee for the MaintainIT project. Although my schedule hasn't always allowed me to be active this past year, I have enjoyed keeping up with the project's progress. Next week a celebration of sorts will occur & everyone's invited to the online bash :)

TechSoup and WebJunction are teaming up to celebrate MaintainIT contributors for helping create the resources the MaintainIT Project has produced the past three years. Whether you participated in a webinar, contributed content, were interested in the resources the project provides, or simply shared the project with someone else, you’re a contributor, and we want to thank you.

Please come to this fun and informative webinar, where you'll receive top technology tips from library technology experts, hear what MaintainIT Project staff learned from their many conversations and library travels around the country, and you’ll find out how you can keep the rich Cookbook content and community alive on WebJunction.

WHEN: April 22, 11:00-12:00 PST
WHERE: Register online

All MaintainIT events and archives are found here:

Why not join in if you can.

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