

Learn & Play @ CML

I’m really excited about CML’s Learn & Play discovery program because…

  1. I know from my experience in leading the original program how much it generated knowledge sharing and a greater sense of community.

  2. I’m eager to see how my new colleagues embrace this type of peer-to-peer learning environment and to discover what new opportunities it will open up for our library.

    and …

  3. This time around, thanks to the L&P@CML team, I don't have to lead the effort. [insert huge smile here] Hats off to Gerald, Joy, Sam, Tonya, Jon & Tammy for not only improving the program, but kicking it off in style!!

Since active participation in the program is really the best way that any manager or administrator can support this system-wide learning effort, I’ve been a little bit torn about how best to actively support it. Being the creator of the original program and concept, it seems artificial for me to blog each of “things” along with all the participants. So instead, to lend my support, I’ve decided that I will follow along and use my blog to actively comment on what I’m noticing and share with you what I’ve learned in the last two years from other libraries who have launched Learning 2.0 programs of their own.

So be on the lookout for a new series of 23 Things posts... but this time around instead of commenting on things, I'll try and just focus on observations and lessons learned.

Oh... and btw, my advice for those participating is still the same...

1. Give yourself and others permission to PLAY
2. Make time for DISCOVERY
3. And have FUN!

To all those at CML starting this journey - E.N.J.O.Y!


Rob Coers said...

Congratulations too, to all of you. And interesting to see that CML are also using WordPress, just like us at

My advice to them would be, to host WordPress on their own server, since many 3rd party code and scripts don't work on a site.
It's something WordPress participants find out when they want to use a cool widget that DOES work in Blogger and NOT in WP.

Just my thoughts ;-)

**5p34k1nt0ngu3z** said...


yep. found that out the hard way.