

Podcasting & Libraries

According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, the "word of the year" for 2005 was .... (drum roll please) ... yup, you might have guessed it .... "podcast"

Podcasts have become one of the hotest methods to delivering information and music this past year. Using mp3 files, podcasts contain audiocasts that are uploaded and listened to on iPods, PCs and/or mp3 players (and other portal devices).

Are you wondering how libraries may be jumping on this bandwagon? Here are few examples:
  • Lansing Public Library (IL) - This small library offers 4 different programming podcasts (for youth, teen, adult & technology) as well as one for Science Fair strategies and computer instruction. See the list here. FAQ page about podcasts here.
  • Thomas Ford Memorial Library (IL) - Witha new twist on an old concept, this library system nows offers podcasts via Click-a-Story
  • - offers podcasts with YA authors.

And what about iTunes, iPods & Libraries you ask? Well,here's just one example of how libraries are experimenting with this...

Libraries turning to iPods & iTunes
(PlayList Magazine, Feb 13, 2006)

Can you think of any opportunities our Library could pursue in this area? What could we podcast that our users might want?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see a video podcast that would showcase the student animation created at imaginon.