

Good Stuff

Via Chris Harris over at Infomacy , I learned about this streaming video of Stephen Abram's keynote presention from the MINITEX Reference Symposium in May. Those that have heard Stephen speak before know that he's a very dynamic and thought provoking speaker. Those that haven’t heard him speak before … well here’s your chance.

Reference 2010: The Librarian 2.0 in your Future
– Stephen Abram’s keynote

     Part 1 (11.8 mb Quicktime)
     Part 2 (14.9 mb Quicktime)

Watch (or listen) to the 90 minute keynote address at your leisure. In true Abram style, he goes off course a bit and spins in several antidotal tales. Well worth the listening time.

PS: He also provides a great overview of the Second Life Library too!

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