

Congrats William & Natalie

For the most part I try to keep this blog focused on libraries, trends, innovation and learning. But every once in a while something personal (like the email I received from two old PLCMC colleagues yesterday) hits that I just have to get it out. This post is one of them …

“In other news Natalie and I got married a couple of weeks ago. The mayor performed the ceremony and said "By the power vested in me by the City of Boise and the Boise Public Library, I now pronounce you..." which really cracked us both up.”

Wow! ...

Congrats William & Natalie Nation!

PS: I don't remember the 'future of reference' project having this as an deliverable... but I'll I can say is that I'm personally pleased to see this as one of the results of scope creep. :)


Anonymous said...

I used to work with William and Natalie at Morrion, so thank you for the well wishing - I'll have to find them on and congratulate them! :-)

Natalie said...

Awww. Thank you, Helene! I believe that this is the closest that we will come to having a marriage announcement! =)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Boise! I love hearing "the power vested in the Public Library!" Congrats!

Anonymous said...
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Chris said...

Congratulations from all your colleagues in Charlotte!