

Freedbacking – another great idea blooms

Have you read about the newest folksonomy to hit the blogging world – freedbacking. The term’s so new that it’s not even in Wikipedia yet (at least as of this posting). The idea of Freedbacking (coined by Lockergnome’s Chris Pirillo) is to use the growing popularity of tags to provide “free feedback” (aka freedbacking) to software developers and other providers of service in an effort to “bridge the gap between users and developers.” -- Another great idea that I wish I had thought of first. :)

Anyway, think library vendors are scanning Technorati and Google Blog Search for mentions of their names and products? – you bet they are (and if they're not, they're fools). Include “freedbacking” in your tags and you’ll have a more targeted way to get their attention and give them feedback.

UPDATE: Bloglines (my favorite news aggregator) has already stated that they welcome feedback through this method.

Technorati Tags: ,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Helene! The "Gordian Knot" blog quoted in the Wired story is actually not a "developer blog" as they said, but a collaborative library blog for SirsiDynix customer libraries -- an independent blog where we can discuss the company and share innovative ideas at/for our libraries. Please stop by and join us! May I add you (or the Gaming Zone or Mystery Readers' blogs) to our blogroll of blogs at SirsiDynix libraries?