

Don't Waddle ...

Don't Waddle...
Originally uploaded by tryscal.

We've already gotten a few contributions emailed to us for the Foto Fun Gallery for National Library Week (April 17-22), but this is the first on Flickr.

Anyway, I think ALA could champion (hint, hint) a whole new marketing campaign around little fun tools like FD's Flickr Toys. The power of using this type of "campaign" (if you can call it that) is that we get away from "talking about ouselves" and the value that "we think" we add and simply allow our customers to promote libraries by "celebrating themselves."

There's nothing more powerful then making customers feel good about themselves. So why not add your creativity to the NLW motivational poster Flickr pool (tag NLWFotoFun) and share in the fun?

Create your own with FD Toy's Motivator.

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