

10 Random Things (& my 10 things from a year ago)

A few weeks ago, I eluded in my Learn & Play video that I had put forth a challenge for CML employees (via the APLE employee newsletter) to share ten random things about themselves. Since that time, I've had several requests to reprint them. So for those that are curious, here they are:


For those who don't me yet, I'm Helene Blowers and the newest member of your executive leadership team. Having just been in Columbus now 10 months I'm still learning tons about the area, the library and all the incredible people I'm working with – that's you!

As many of you are already aware, I'm the creator of the original online learning program that CML's Learn & Play is base upon and blog at So in trying to figure out what I could share with you through the APLE newsletter, that you might not know about me, I thought I'd just try and share ten random things that you won't find elsewhere. :)

  1. I have weakness for white chocolate covered pretzels. There's something about salty and sweet together.
  2. In high school I excelled in swimming, competing on numerous teams and even swimming at the state level. Now I rarely swim … except in paperwork and housework. I'm sure many of you can relate.
  3. As a pre-teen I had crushes on David Cassidy, Scott Biao & the Bay City Rollers. I know this dates me, but oh, well…
  4. I enjoy going to concerts. The best concert I have ever attended has to be Joe Cocker. The second best is REM @ the Hamersmith Odion, London -back when Michael Stipe actually had hair. :)
  5. I've had the same green ribbon attached to my key ring for over twenty years. It's served me well. I've never lost my keys.
  6. People who treat "walking sidewalks" in busy airports like "parking lots" (and don't know how to get off to the side) are one of my few pet peeves.
  7. For some reason I'm good at remembering trivial numbers. The grocery clerks are constantly amazed by my ability to recite the barcode off the dog's 20 lb bag of food without looking – 1780042330 :)
  8. Although I hitch hiked all over England and southern Ireland during my younger days, it's not something I would do today. Nor would I encourage my daughters to do when they get older. Ah, the wisdom of age ...
  9. I've had minor brushes with fame with Barry Manilow, John Cougar Meloncamp, Patti Smyth, Jessie Helms and Lauren Becall. But my favorite bwf story has to be Jon BonJovi. Ask me some time and I'll tell you about it.
  10. I love to read with my daughters Kathryn and Jessica. We've plowed through the Magic Tree House series, Little House on the Prairie and are currently working on Prince Caspian (Naria series) and the Magic Rainbow fairy books. At 7 and 9 they are fascinated with fairies.

How's that for 10 random facts. If you're interested in the normal stuff about me, please feel free to check out

Oh, and I have one last thing. I'd like to give a huge shout out to all you that are participating in Learn & Play. I'm really enjoying watching all the participation and getting to know so many of you better through your blogs. Hey, here's thought ... how about a bonus L& P "thing"? We could call it "10 Random Things." Why not blog ten random things about you and twitter me the link (my twitter ID is hblowers) and that way I ( & others) could also get to know you better. :)


PS: Today is officially my one year anniversary. And as follow-up to this, here's the post I did after my first week titled 10 things I learned during my first week @ CML ( does anyone notice a pattern here?)

It's been an extremely fast year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to know all this about you.I cn't outline any 10 random things about me.There are so many which can't be included in a count of 10 & i don't want to leave behind any.