

CML Learn & Play Finale !!!

When Joy told me where we were tracking with the participant and completion rates for Learn & Play earlier this week, I was totally impressed. This morning, the drawings were held for those who finished in time for a chance at the added incentives, but in my book all 254 staff members who completed their 23 things learning journey are winners!

Here's the video of the final drawing with Pat Losinksi and the Learn & Play team. Getting to sit on the sidelines this time around and watch the enthusiasm and energy that the team contributed to this effort was a pure joy! They really brought new energy and a brilliant twist to the program.

Anyway, here's the video of the prize drawings for L&P.

Hats off to everyone who joined in this learning journey. And from what I understand there may still be a bit more in store for those who are still interested in learning more. So, hold on to your blog and keep watching Learn & Play.

PS: Here's the final stats: 494 staff blog created = 63%, 254 completed = 51.4% - w00t!!

I'm IMPRESSED, aren't' you?

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