

Laptops for checkout, MaintainIT & WebJunction

You might ask by looking at the title for this post- what do these three things have in common? A free webinar of course …

“Grab a comfy chair and participate in a 30-minute discussion where contributors to the Cookbooks share their insights, their secrets, and what *you* can do to get started with projects like theirs.

The next Cookbook Webinar is April 16. Be Astengo from Alachua County Library District in Gainesville, Florida shares how her team crafted a successful laptop checkout program.”

For more info on the webniar visit WebJunction. You can also find out more about the MaintainIT project here and even share a small success story of your own if you’re so inclined.

Disclosure: I’m a member of MaintainIT steering committee. But even if I wasn’t, I’d still think the emphasis of this project is very valuable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Helene -- Thanks for the mention.

We also made the circulating laptop idea one of our "Question of the Week" topics" in the discussions and the blog.


PS - Your second WJ link is broken, but the first one is working fine.