My first reaction to Buzzword is that its slick and pretty easy to use. But there’s one big thing that has me a perplexed … it’s an Adobe app. right? Yet it doesn’t seem to allow me to “Save as” in a .pdf format?
Seriously, it's not there. Take a look for yourself.
FYI: For those who are wondering, the option’s not found under the “Document/print” either. Yup, it’s got me wondering how an Adobe company could miss this opportunity. IMHO, the lack of this popular and useful option definitely makes Google Docs and Zoho Writer look even.
Yep. It should have PDF export. When will the greed end? Maybe just an oversight, but I doubt it considering how slick and well-conceived everything is. We'll see how many more usable features they add. The slide-down toolbar for the descriptive text is cool, but annoying. The zoom and ruler sliders are excellent, but the scrollbar needs a bit more contrast.
Oh well. At least you can save as XML and open it up in OOo, and then export as a PDF.
This suite of web-based apps looks promising, though.
Thanks for writing about Buzzword. As an acquisition, we're new to the Adobe family, but rest assured, we're hard at work at Save As PDF and will be releasing it soon.
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