

Book Video Widget

This seems like a natural for libraries to copy, steal or adopt … BookVideos.TV widget from Simon & Schuster.

The only thing that could make this widget better (well 2 things actually)...

1) it allowed for library branding/ co-branding

2) "Reserve a copy" was listed as a menu option.

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Anonymous said...

I love it Helene. I've added this widget now to both our reader resources blog and to our staff Sharepoint page. Lots of positive comments from staff.

Cycho Librarian said...

We could do this in house too... Think about our staff doing booktalks that get pushed out to the widgets in thousands of pages. Maybe this is the solution to the "online storytime" dilemma. You're not just putting a video of a storytime on the website hoping someone will watch it. You're making it more targeted, shorter, and hopefully more engaging.