At lunch yesterday Sean grabbed this photo of our work "appendages." Can you guess which one is mine?
Hint: Mine was acquired through erate standards.
Now guess which one is Sean's? ACPL IT Director.
Then guess one is Lynn's (aka the iACPL librarian)?
Yup, Librarians rock... and they have cool toys too!!
PS: Despritely hoping for a new BB soon.
Dang, my phone must be .05, then! LOL!
. . . doesn't have a "work phone" . . . (hint hint)
How do you get a phone through erate?
E-rate considers mobiles phone service equal to hard line phones. They are a priority one item and you can get the same discounts.
So E-rate will give me an iPhone with the service...seriously??
Oh, boy! I think a lot of people are going to be checking their cell contracts! :)
I checked on this and you can't get a phone handset from E-rate. You can only get the service. Bummer!
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