

SC Tech Express

The hour and half drive down to Columbia, SC was well worth it (even in the rain) to hear the dynamic threesome known as Abrams, Levine & Stephens (sounds like a law firm doesn’t it?) speak at the SC State Library’s Tech Express.

As expected these three really got you thinking and you could tell the room of 300+ was energized by all the nodding heads, comments and eye speak. Although I had my laptop with me and there was wireless (Yippee!), I opted not to blog the event live and instead just sit back and listen.

My scribbles on the back on the handout were few, but there was one thing Stephen Abrams said early on that stuck with me …

“Libraries are transformational, NOT transactional!”

This simple sentence says it all ... Libraries aren’t about processes, checkouts or references stats. They’re merely about providing users with an empowering experience.

My other mental notes from today include:
  • a comment that Jenny made about an upcoming ALA initiative to promote education on DOPA. Since I haven’t seen announcement yet, I won’t blog the project yet. But I will say this “Kudos to ALA. The idea is brilliant!”
  • “Librarian 2.0 controls Technolust” This quote was a part of Michael Stephens excellent presentation and although I very much agree with what he says about not just doing technology for sake of just doing something new, I found myself a little bothered by the word choice. Why? because the word “control” emulates the very “thing” that Library 2.0 isn’t. I know, I know … it ‘s only words right? But when you have so many librarians who are preconditioned to “control”, it’s hard to break the pattern. Personally, I love the word “empower” because that’s what I think Library 2.0 is really all about. But in the framework of Michael’s very valid point, I just can’t seem to come up with a better suggested substitution. Perhaps this is the positive balance to this point … Librarian 2.0 harnesses tools that empower users.
  • I thought I saw Jenny take picture with her cell phone of me talking with the SC State Library Director, Patti Butcher, but in looking at that photos tagged TechExpress2006 from today, I didn’t see any of Jenny’s uploaded yet (found it - Yup! I knew it), but I did find this one grabbed by Michael Casey

The comment bubble is my addition, not Michael's (mocked up in Bubblr). Anyway … a GREAT day of thought provoking dialogue and conversations. Thank you Patti and Deborah!!!

Looking for more? The team from SCPL did a great job blogging all the presentations. and Curtis Roger's even posted YouTube videos - cool!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In case you need another example of a great site that would be forbidden under DOPA (I know that you don't), check this one out:

Maybe if we could relate all of our objections to things politicians can understand (like sports, for example) they'd see the light.