As Tech Director for a twenty-four location library system with 550+ staff members, I don’t have the opportunities to meet every staff member as I used to have when I started here as library resources trainer. So today when I received this email from a staff member that I’ve never even had the pleasure to meet before (T, please excuse my memory loss if I have met you at Orientation), I was pleased to find that this endeavor is making a connection.
“I have been working at PLCMC for a few months now and I've been keeping up with the blog. I'm really enjoying it and it's nice to get some input from outside my branch. Actually, I subscribe to a lot of blogs … and I found a couple of entries today that I thought I would pass along to you.
An article about RFID - I've heard some talk about this recently at our branch - ...
Nice to 'meet' you! T ”
Hi T, It’s nice to meet you too & thanks for the links. As for all RFID talk at your branch, that’s definitely a technology strategy we’re working on building into our future.
PS: In case you're wondering when we'll make a move to tagging books, it won't be this coming year for we still have a system-wide study to complete and funding to secure.
Book-tagging would be very cool.
Another idea would be something where users could provide comments, reviews, etc on items we've checked out, a la Amazon. Or how about an RSS feed of items I've checked out?
I like reading your blog and seeing that our library system is embracing some new ideas.
Speaking of Amazon, I modified a greasemonkey script that will automatically search the Charlotte Library system for a book you are looking at on Amazon and let you know if its at the Library. You can give it a try:
I don't think it works on videos or CDs.
Ryan --
Great script! As for the suggestion about RSS feeds of books you've checked out, see LibraryElf ( It offers both RSS feed and text messaging for items checkedout, on reserve etc.
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