

AOL Launches Study Buddy

Just in time for BtoS, AOL jumps into the learning pool with another addition... Study Buddy:

"A new search engine promises to give schoolchildren results from sites pre-screened by teachers and librarians.

Time Warner Inc.'s AOL launched StudyBuddy in time for the school year. It is free, though a premium version with more resources is available for $4.95 a month. Users of StudyBuddy can even choose a grade range, such as K-2, to narrow choices even more."

I have to wonder what the extra things are in the premium version? And do you honestly think that libraries could get a subscription that they could use internally for as little as that?

Discovered via MSN

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want the old studdy buddy kids thingi back with the thingi and the backpack!!!!!!!!!!!