

Ultra personalized Library cards??

When I read about this service on Springwise, my immediate thought was how cool! I would love to have a personalized credit/debit card with my daughters' shining happy faces on it – this would surely solve my problem of never having a photo to show aquaintances, especially when I meet them for lunch.

Anyway… how awesome would it be to have personalized library cards too? Just upload your image (book cover, family photo... whatever) when you signup for your card online and presto – you new personalized card is printed or mailed to you!

PS: I'm not sure the variable rate thing would fly in libraries. Can you imagine library users setting their own fines?

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Anonymous said...

We should totally do this!

Chris said...

I had a suggestion from a customer that since we'd done the Smart Connections card tie-in at PLCMC with the Mint Museum, that we should follow up by allowing customers to design their own art work for cards, or at least have a contest or some other mechanism to have cards designed by local people be among those new customers can choose from. Wonder how this could be done in a way that would be cost effective? Would it be a good PR tool?